
Theme Of The Movie:

Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency is a who's who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team will need all their powers to save the world from disaster.

Movie Details:

Country: USA.
Language: English | Russian.
Director: Joss Whedon.
Writers: Joss Whedon (screenplay), Zak Penn (story).
Release Date: 4 May 2012 (USA).
Also Known As: Group Hug.
Filming Locations: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Movie Reviews:

This film is is an empty shell covered with dazzling lights. Sure, it does look pretty but that is as far as it goes.

Nothing interesting happens in this film (by interesting I mean plot wise, not a standard fight scene with new people copied and pasted into it) the 'plot' is horrific, to the point in which you wonder if there actually is a one. Hollywood seem to use the same script for every action film they make, only they replace a few of the more minor details so hopefully people won't notice. 

In an attempt to keep at least some of the male (and select female) audience awake the director decides it is time for Scarlett Johansson to pop up on screen to show off her, lets say defining costume in such an obvious manner. It is just a cheap, cheap film full of filler material that you will enjoy if you have an inability to think for yourself.

I really have no idea how this film got into the top 100 of all time, there is really no reason for it to be there. 

The only plus sides are that the acting and cast are superb, it is just a shame that they were not involved in something where their talents could have been used in more fulfilling roles.

The Avengers (2012) Official Trailer:

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