

Theme Of The Movie:

 A young lion Prince is cast out of his pride by his cruel uncle, who claims he killed his father. While the uncle rules with an iron fist, the prince grows up beyond the savannah, living by a philosophy: No worries for the rest of your days. But when his past comes to haunt him, the young Prince must decide his fate: will he remain an outcast, or face his demons and become what he needs to be.

 Movie Details:

Release date: June 15, 1994 (USA)
Directors: Rob Minkoff, Roger Allers
Prequel: The Lion King 1½
Sequel: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Featured songs: Hakuna Matata, Circle of Life, Can You Feel the Love Tonight.

Movie Reviews:

I watched the film today and I have come to the conclusion that this Disney film is one classic that will keep on delivering to Disney fans like myself...TLK is a wonderful film with great characters and songs with a powerful message that you can always find your way back no matter how hard the journey...

I think The Lion King is one of the best Disney animated films matching with the power of Bambi and Brother Bear.

I love how Disney Works hard to deliver the best in Animation,Song,And Magic

I do believe that 2006 and many years from now The Lion King will Shine and still Roar with Success.

Official Trailer:




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