

Theme of The Movie:

A little boy's birthday party gets ruined when his entertainment (clown) cancels. His father finds a clown suit and becomes the new entertainment but something is weird about it, there is an evil curse and it won't come off. He specializes in eating little kids... everything after that goes down hill.

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Movie Details:

Initial release: November 13, 2014.
Director: Jon Watts.
Production company: Cross Creek Pictures.
Distributor: Dimension Films.

Movie Reviews:

HOLY CRAP!!!! BETTER HIDE THE KIDS!!!! I watched this movie not expecting much given the title. Boy my wife and I were in for a Surprise!!! This was the best Horror movie I have seen in a while. This movie went well beyond our expectations.

This was a "Gutwrenching" wild ride of a true horror.

I still cannot believe the carnage done to those sweet innocent kids!!! I also found the story regarding the "origin" of "The Clown" an interesting touch.

The title although appropriate weakened my expectations a bit, so perhaps they should have used a better title.

This movie would have given me nightmares forever if I had seen it as a kid!!!!! The acting was more than top notch, in that their reactions to the horror before them was believable on so many levels Well done!

Clown Official Trailer:


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