

Theme Of This Movie:

When Lou finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot tub time machine in an attempt to get back to the past. But they inadvertently land in the future with Adam Jr. Now they have to alter the future in order to save the past - which is really the present. The magical hot tub sends Lou (Rob Corddry), Nick (Craig Robinson) and Jacob (Clark Duke) 10 years into the future to prevent an unknown assailant from shooting Lou.

Movie Details:

Country: USA

Language: English

Release Date:20 February 2015 (USA).
Director: Steve Pink

Also Known As: Hot Tub Time Machine 3: Because Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Hasn't Happened Yet.

Filming Locations: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Movie Reviews:

I was a big fan of the first Hot Tub Time Machine, which was Back to the Future meets The Hangover. It was funny and raunchy, had four leads you get invested in, and tells an entertaining story. It's ending left me wanting more, so I thought a sequel would be awesome. When I heard John Cusack was not in this, my feeling for it left little excitement, and the trailer didn't much for me either, but I wanted to give this the benefit of the doubt.
The movie pretends to have a plot, but it's an excuse for gross out gags. Like Movie 43 although not as awful. John Cusack I really missed, there was chemistry with the cast in the first film, with him gone it just breaks down the chemistry. Adam Scott is funny in a few scenes as Cusack's son, but he looks so out of place. Rob Corddry is awful, his craziness is amped up to 11,it's like the writers felt he was too sutler in the first one. And Rob Corddry can be funny, if given the right jokes. Craig Robinson looks incredibly bored, and Clark Duke does try but goes nowhere.

Movie Official Trailer:


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